ICEBOXY。愛死肉絲 。一想到這個專題主題還有戲劇性的發展過程,真的讓感到開心,雖然這故事發生在2004年,不過我們團員七個人似乎還有未完成的心願,這樣的精神與我們同在一起。

創意點說明:在「ICE BOXY冰空間」中,保持正常細菌的溫度被視為一種隱性的壓抑狀態,能夠讓它們遵守不變本質,也是最重要的因素即是「溫度」,溫度有如全面監控中的法制和道德,失去保鮮意即失去了約束力,沒有管制的標準,此時食物可能變質了,蔬菜也可能變的不新鮮甜美了,一切都可能跟我們原本所認為的表象有所不同。
Background:Utilize the interior of ice box as the background to slice into the characteristic and behavior of young people through various viewpoints.
Specification:In the virtual reality space of 「ICE BOXY」, we create a bounch of characters called ---「Bacteria」; in which most of them are traited by the appearances of existing bacteria extracted from animals and other organic objects. By giving them the biological characteristics of various bacteria in concord with human lpersonalities, the “Bacteria” has more depth than the ordinary ones and more diversal to play with.